Commonly Prescribed Combinations Prescribed At Rock Ridge Pharmacy

Minoxidil/Finasteride Topical Solution or Foam

Uses: Minoxidil, used in combination with finasteride, is a topical treatment for hair loss. Minoxidil acts as a vasodilator to improve blood flow to the scalp and stimulate hair follicles, while finasteride reduces DHT levels, a key contributor to androgenic alopecia. This combination is effective in promoting hair regrowth and preventing further hair loss, with visible improvements often seen within four months.

Dosing: Apply the prescribed dosage directly to the scalp as directed by your healthcare provider, typically once or twice daily.

Side Effects: Possible side effects include scalp irritation, headaches, dizziness, unwanted facial hair growth, changes in hair color or texture, swelling of hands or feet, chest pain, and allergic reactions such as hives or facial swelling.

Minoxidil / Finasteride / Spironolactone Topical Treatment for Hair Loss

Uses: This compounded topical solution combines Minoxidil, Finasteride, and Spironolactone to effectively combat hair loss, particularly in cases of androgenic alopecia. Minoxidil enhances scalp blood flow and hair follicle stimulation, Finasteride reduces DHT production, and Spironolactone acts as an antiandrogen.

Dosing: Apply directly to the scalp once or twice daily, as prescribed. Consistent use as directed is crucial for achieving optimal results.

Side Effects: Potential side effects include scalp irritation, itching, unwanted hair growth in nearby areas, headaches, and dizziness. Rare systemic effects may also occur.

Precautions: Use only on a clean, dry scalp and avoid eye contact. Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women without medical approval. Monitor for any unusual symptoms and consult your healthcare provider if concerns arise.

Minoxidil / Finasteride / Tretinoin Topical Foam / Solution for Hair Loss

Uses: This compounded formulation combines Minoxidil, Finasteride, and Tretinoin, targeting hair loss from multiple angles. Minoxidil increases blood flow to hair follicles, promoting growth, while Finasteride decreases DHT levels, reducing hair loss associated with androgenic alopecia. Tretinoin enhances the absorption of Minoxidil, making the treatment more effective.

Dosing: Apply the foam or solution to the scalp as directed, typically once daily. It is important to follow the prescribed routine consistently for best results.

Side Effects: Common side effects include scalp irritation, redness, and flaking. Tretinoin may increase skin sensitivity, particularly to sunlight. Systemic side effects are rare but can include changes in hormone levels.

Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes and other sensitive areas. Not suitable for use by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Users should wear sunscreen to protect treated areas from sun exposure.

Tailoring Your Hair Loss Solutions for Optimal Health